What is the stuttering phenomenon?

To an outside observer, stuttering appears as disfluency in speech, where the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions, prolongations or blocks of words, sounds or syllables.

These are only surface level symptoms.

As a person who stutter, especially if you are a life-long sufferer, you know that stuttering is a complex phenomenon beyond a speech disorder.

Stuttering is a complex phenomenon beyond a speech disorder.

If you look closely, you can observe many internal and external factors that determine and contribute to when and how you will stutter. For example:

  • When you vocalize certain words, sounds, syllables or names
  • When you speak to certain people (e.g. authority figures, parents, strangers)
  • When you do certain activities (e.g. making an appointment, make an order)
  • When you are in certain situations (e.g. when explaining a concept, talking in loud environments)

These factors or triggers are different and unique to each individual stutterer.

On the other hand, if you look at stuttering from a bigger picture perspective, you can observe that stuttering hinders your ability to express and communicate, which are the most essential aspects of human survival and well-being. 

It can affect your live in many ways, including your:

  • Physical and mental health
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Relationships will people
  • School-life, academia
  • Livelihood, jobs and career

The path to recovery offers a both 'bottom-up approach' and 'top-down approach' which together makes it possible for a comprehensive and holistic recovery

On one hand, we will look at your stuttering phenomenon closely, identify your unique individual triggers and resolve them. On the other hand we will look at your mindset and life patterns to unlock your ability to express and communicate.

The path to recovery offers a both 'bottom-up approach' and 'top-down approach' which together makes it possible for a comprehensive and holistic recovery. 

Are you ready? Let's go.

What is it about?

Approach Bottom-up, tactical
Description Fast and effective
Techniques Letting Go, Awareness, Insight, Regression

The objective is to start where your symptoms are. Start with the specific stuttering problems you have and tactically resolve them using a proper technique. As the name of this path suggests, letting go is the actual technique that is being used through out this approach.

Letting go is an ancient technique which uses moment-to-moment awareness to dissolve and let go of resistance. Resistance is that which blocks the flow of life energy, any energy that is forward-moving.

Letting go is the heart of eastern practices of meditation. It has now gain popularity as mindfulness and acceptance practices, which are being applied in clinical psychology as well as in everyday life practices.

Letting go is anti-coping and anti-distraction in nature. It is free of speech modification, breath control techniques or distraction based tactics like delayed auditory feedback or anti-stuttering devices. Letting go will let you right into resolving your stuttering symptoms one by one.

Why should I take this approach?

Letting Go of Stuttering is a fast and effective path to recovery. You will start making a difference in your speech immediately.

Letting Go of Stuttering is a fast and effective path to recovery.

What are the steps?

   Trigger Identification Identify unique internal and external factors that trigger your stutter
   Trigger Reversal Reverse triggers to prevent trigger-response mechanisms from producing speech blocks
   Trauma Resolution Resolve trauma to prevent the recurrence of triggers or development of a new trigger
   Insight and Retrospection Retrospect on the entire flow from trauma to trigger to the blocking mechanism to stuttered speech to get an insight into your existing behavior patterns

Letting Go of Stuttering is tactical, fast and effective. It also requires intensive practice as well as therapy.

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    $139.00Letting Go of Stuttering | 7-day Intensive Program

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What is it about?

Approach Top-down, strategic
Description Brings clarity, bigger-picture understanding
Techniques Root Cause Identification, Authenticity Channeling, Visualization

Becoming an authentic speaker takes a top-down approach, where you go straight to solving the root cause of stuttering. At the root level, stuttering is a problem of communication and self-expression

Communication skills are naturally developed during childhood years as a way to unveil one's unique authentic identity and expression. As a unique individual human being, you have your own needs, wants a desires which enable the fulfillment of your life purpose. All of us are meant to lead and active and purposeful life. 

The path of becoming an authentic speaker is a path of becoming your authentic-self. That means you will start taking active steps to communicate and express your needs, wants, desires, take action on them and fulfill your life purpose.

The path of becoming an authentic speaker is a path of becoming your authentic-self.

Why should I take this approach?

It is easy to get lost when solving the stuttering problem by approaching its symptoms. Symptoms are often complex manifestations of a root cause, which is simplistic in nature. You should take on this path if you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexity of your stuttering symptoms. Approaching your problem from the root can bring powerful clarity that can clear the path for you to resolve your specific problems on the ground.

What are the steps?

✓   Root Cause Identification Identify the root cause of stuttering
✓   Understanding Your Purpose Identify your purpose and learn to communicate and express your needs, wants and desires
✓   Channel Authenticity Identify your purpose and learn to communicate and express your needs, wants and desires

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